/** * @brief Checks whether the specified RTC flag is set or not. * @param RTC_FLAG: specifies the flag to check. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg RTC_FLAG_RECALPF: RECALPF event flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_TAMP3F: Tamper 3 event flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_TAMP2F: Tamper 2 event flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_TAMP1F: Tamper 1 event flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_TSOVF: Time Stamp OverFlow flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_TSF: Time Stamp event flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_WUTF: WakeUp Timer flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_ALRBF: Alarm B flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_ALRAF: Alarm A flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_INITF: Initialization mode flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_RSF: Registers Synchronized flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_INITS: Registers Configured flag. * @argRTC_FLAG_SHPF: Shift operation pending flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_WUTWF: WakeUp Timer Write flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_ALRBWF: Alarm B Write flag. * @arg RTC_FLAG_ALRAWF: Alarm A write flag. * @retval The new state of RTC_FLAG (SET or RESET). */ 如上, @argRTC_FLAG_SHPF: Shift operation pending flag.这句前面没有空格,要不要改一下库? |