下面是STM8L-DISCOVERY 的功能描述,我想问的是STM8L-DISCOVERY带的SWIM接口可以对stm8s或stm32芯片进行调试或下载吗?有没有人试过或者能提供些资料吗(中英文都可以)? 谢谢! ========================================================================== STM8L-DISCOVERY Discovering board for STM8L15x (32KB flash) MCUs Description The STM8L-DISCOVERY helps you to discover the STM8L ultralow power features and to develop and share your applications. It is based on an STM8L152C6T6 and includes an ST-Link embedded debug tool interface, LCD (24 segments, 4 commons), LEDs and push buttons. Key Features STM8L152C6T6 microcontroller, 32 KB Flash, 2 KB RAM, 1 KB EEPROM in 48-pin LQFP On-board ST-Link with selection mode switch to use the kit as a stand-alone ST-Link (with SWIM connector for programming and debugging) Two red LEDs; LD1 for USB communication, LD2 for 3.3 V power on Designed to be powered by USB or an external supply of 5 V or 3.3 V Can supply target application with 5 V and 3 V Two user LEDs, LD3 and LD4 (green and blue) Two push buttons (User and Reset) IDD current measurement LCD 28-pin DIP (24 segments, 4 commons) Extension header for all QFP48 I/Os for quick connection to prototyping board for easy probing |
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