
大家好: 我的程序在读写sst25vf512只能读,不能写,读取ID都是正确的,擦除也可以,就是不能写。我觉得可能是初始化时某个寄存器没有配置正确,但是不知道怎么弄,特请教大家。下面是程序 #define SPI_FLASH_PageSize 256 #define WRITE 0x02 /* Write to Memory instruction */ #define WRSR 0x01 /* Write Status Register instruction */ #define WREN 0x06 /* Write enable instruction */ #define READ 0x03 /* Read from Memory instruction */ #define RDSR 0x05 /* Read Status Register instruction */ #define RDID 0x90 /* Read identification */ #define SE 0x20 /* Sector Erase instruction */ #define BE 0x52 /* Bulk Erase instruction */ #define WIP_Flag 0x01 /* Write In Progress (WIP) flag */ #define Dummy_Byte 0xff /* Select SPI FLASH: ChipSelect pin low */ #define SPI_FLASH_CS_LOW() GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_5) /* Deselect SPI FLASH: ChipSelect pin high */ #define SPI_FLASH_CS_HIGH() GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_5) void SPI_FLASH_Init(void) { SPI_InitTypeDef SPI_InitStructure; GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; /* Enable SPI1 GPIOA and GPIOB clocks */ RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SPI1 | RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA |RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB, ENABLE); /* Configure SPI1 pins: NSS, SCK, MISO and MOSI */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_5 | GPIO_Pin_6 | GPIO_Pin_7; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP; GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure); /* Configure PC.05 as Output push-pull, used as Flash Chip select */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_5; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP; GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure); /* Deselect the FLASH: Chip Select high */ SPI_FLASH_CS_HIGH(); /* SPI1 configuration */ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_Direction = SPI_Direction_2Lines_FullDuplex; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_Mode = SPI_Mode_Master; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_DataSize = SPI_DataSize_8b; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPOL = SPI_CPOL_High; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPHA = SPI_CPHA_2Edge; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_NSS = SPI_NSS_Soft; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_BaudRatePrescaler = SPI_BaudRatePrescaler_4; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_FirstBit = SPI_FirstBit_MSB; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CRCPolynomial = 7; SPI_Init(SPI1, &SPI_InitStructure); /* Enable SPI1 */ SPI_Cmd(SPI1, ENABLE); } void SPI_FLASH_BufferWrite(u8* pBuffer, u32 WriteAddr, u16 NumByteToWrite) { u8 NumOfPage = 0, NumOfSingle = 0, Addr = 0, count = 0, temp = 0; Addr = WriteAddr % SPI_FLASH_PageSize; count = SPI_FLASH_PageSize - Addr; NumOfPage = NumByteToWrite / SPI_FLASH_PageSize; NumOfSingle = NumByteToWrite % SPI_FLASH_PageSize; if(Addr == 0) /* WriteAddr is SPI_FLASH_PageSize aligned */ { if(NumOfPage == 0) /* NumByteToWrite < SPI_FLASH_PageSize */ { SPI_FLASH_PageWrite(pBuffer, WriteAddr, NumByteToWrite); } else /* NumByteToWrite > SPI_FLASH_PageSize */ { while(NumOfPage--) { SPI_FLASH_PageWrite(pBuffer, WriteAddr, SPI_FLASH_PageSize); WriteAddr += SPI_FLASH_PageSize; pBuffer += SPI_FLASH_PageSize; } SPI_FLASH_PageWrite(pBuffer, WriteAddr, NumOfSingle); } } else /* WriteAddr is not SPI_FLASH_PageSize aligned */ { if(NumOfPage== 0) /* NumByteToWrite < SPI_FLASH_PageSize */ { if(NumOfSingle > count) /* (NumByteToWrite + WriteAddr) > SPI_FLASH_PageSize */ { temp = NumOfSingle - count; SPI_FLASH_PageWrite(pBuffer, WriteAddr, count); WriteAddr += count; pBuffer += count; SPI_FLASH_PageWrite(pBuffer, WriteAddr, temp); } else { SPI_FLASH_PageWrite(pBuffer, WriteAddr, NumByteToWrite); } } else /* NumByteToWrite > SPI_FLASH_PageSize */ { NumByteToWrite -= count; NumOfPage = NumByteToWrite / SPI_FLASH_PageSize; NumOfSingle = NumByteToWrite % SPI_FLASH_PageSize; SPI_FLASH_PageWrite(pBuffer, WriteAddr, count); WriteAddr += count; pBuffer += count; while(NumOfPage--) { SPI_FLASH_PageWrite(pBuffer, WriteAddr, SPI_FLASH_PageSize); WriteAddr += SPI_FLASH_PageSize; pBuffer += SPI_FLASH_PageSize; } if(NumOfSingle != 0) { SPI_FLASH_PageWrite(pBuffer, WriteAddr, NumOfSingle); } } } } void SPI_FLASH_PageWrite(u8* pBuffer, u32 WriteAddr, u16 NumByteToWrite) { /* Enable the write access to the FLASH */ SPI_FLASH_WriteEnable(); /* Select the FLASH: Chip Select low */ SPI_FLASH_CS_LOW(); /* Send "Write to Memory " instruction */ SPI_FLASH_SendByte(WRITE); /* Send WriteAddr high nibble address byte to write to */ SPI_FLASH_SendByte((WriteAddr & 0xFF0000) >> 16); /* Send WriteAddr medium nibble address byte to write to */ SPI_FLASH_SendByte((WriteAddr & 0xFF00) >> 8); /* Send WriteAddr low nibble address byte to write to */ SPI_FLASH_SendByte(WriteAddr & 0xFF); /* while there is data to be written on the FLASH */ while(NumByteToWrite--) { /* Send the current byte */ SPI_FLASH_SendByte(*pBuffer); /* Point on the next byte to be written */ pBuffer++; } /* Deselect the FLASH: Chip Select high */ SPI_FLASH_CS_HIGH(); /* Wait the end of Flash writing */ SPI_FLASH_WaitForWriteEnd(); } void SPI_FLASH_WriteEnable(void) { vu8 sta; /* Select the FLASH: Chip Select low */ SPI_FLASH_CS_LOW(); /* Send "Write Enable" instruction */ SPI_FLASH_SendByte(WREN); /* Deselect the FLASH: Chip Select high */ SPI_FLASH_CS_HIGH(); } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SPI_FLASH_WaitForWriteEnd * Description : Polls the status of the Write In Progress (WIP) flag in the * FLASH's status register and loop until write opertaion * has completed. * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void SPI_FLASH_WaitForWriteEnd(void) { u8 FLASH_Status = 0; /* Select the FLASH: Chip Select low */ SPI_FLASH_CS_LOW(); /* Send "Read Status Register" instruction */ SPI_FLASH_SendByte(RDSR); /* Loop as long as the memory is busy with a write cycle */ do { /* Send a dummy byte to generate the clock needed by the FLASH and put the value of the status register in FLASH_Status variable */ FLASH_Status = SPI_FLASH_SendByte(Dummy_Byte); } while((FLASH_Status & WIP_Flag) == SET); /* Write in progress */ /* Deselect the FLASH: Chip Select high */ SPI_FLASH_CS_HIGH(); } |