Logic input that allows for synchronization of the digital filters and analog modulators when using
multiple AD7190 devices. While SYNC is low, the nodes of the digital filter, the filter control logic, and the
calibration control logic are reset and the analog modulator is held in its reset state. SYNC does not affect
the digital interface but does reset RDY to a high state if it is low. SYNC has a pull-up resistor internally to DVDD.
uint8_t buf[3];
uint32_t Result = 0;
buf[0] = 0x58; //下一步要读数据寄存器
Write_AD7190(1,buf); //写通讯寄存器
Read_AD7190(3,buf); //读数据寄存器
Result = (((uint32_t)buf[2]) << 16) | (((uint32_t)buf[1]) << 8) | buf[0];
return (Result);
我读 状态寄存器值,全是0x00 00 00 80,读数据寄存器全是0,
Logic input that allows for synchronization of the digital filters and analog modulators when using
multiple AD7190 devices. While SYNC is low, the nodes of the digital filter, the filter control logic, and the
calibration control logic are reset and the analog modulator is held in its reset state. SYNC does not affect
the digital interface but does reset RDY to a high state if it is low. SYNC has a pull-up resistor internally to DVDD.