2022春招 Q&A Q:春招对象? A:2022年海内外应届硕士毕业生,可适当放宽至2021届 Q:深圳有哪些校招岗位? A:应用工程师、销售工程师、嵌入式软件工程师 (下拉查看岗位职责详情) Q:申请的时间? A:网申/内推— Offer(3月中旬-5月中旬) Q:如何申请? A:发送简历至[lin.zhang@st.com]。简历命名格式为:姓名+职位编号+城市 深圳校招岗位介绍 【应用工程师—— 直流交流切换动力供应 / Application Engineer ACDC SMPS】 职位编号: 2022-19089Job description
【应用工程师——伺服器驱动 / Application Engineer - Servo Drives】 职位编号: 2022-19088 Job description 1. Responsible for research and development of Industrial Fieldbus protocols (Ethercat etc..) and their interface for Motor Control ; 2. Responsible for Theory research on motor control which including Literature query, patent query and existed solution analysis 3. Responsible for Lab works which including Function test , benchmark between competitors and EMI test Profile 1. Master degree, majored in Automation, Electric motors and Drives, power electronics 2. Embedded firmware coding (C language), communication protocols 3. Good skill of writing, reading and speaking English 4. Good communication skills, team work 【嵌入式软件工程师-物联网应用与创新中心 / Application Engineer IoT System】 职位编号: 2022-19277 Job description
【销售工程师 / Sales】 职位编号: 2022-19278 Job description
Profile 1. Master’s degree in EE major, technical background is preferred 2. CET 6 proficiency in English, good skill in writing/reading/speaking English 3. Autonomous, self-motivated and self-disciplinary 4. Good learner and have sanguine disposition 5. Good at marketing over social network 6. Willing to work under pressure 7. Capability to take regular visit / travel to customer in different regions of China 8. Good communication skills 心动不如行动,如果有“芯”动的岗位,请发送简历至[lin.zhang@st.com] 2022校招相关:
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嗨你好呀,深圳目前有在招岗位的实习生。请在“实习僧”小程序上搜索“意法半导体研发(深圳)有限公司” 查看深圳的实习岗位详情哦。
另外,也可以直接将简历发到 lin.zhang@st.com 我们一有实习生vacancy,hr会优先联系你哦