1 Where can I find related routines (LL library)? Reference F407 series for total commissioning is different. 2 Call hal idle USART interrupt did not receive 64k bytes, anyone can provide reference? |
STM32U5G9J-DK2 已经实现CustomHID 进行数据收发,一包数据64字节,如何提升到一包1024字节
STM32U575 串口接收+GPDMA 波特率不匹配导致失败
STM32U5 驱动库从1.6.0更新至1.7.0本可以正常运行的代码出现问题
用STM32Cubeprogrammer 烧录 TrustZone 的示范程序不成功
STM32U5 OCTOSPI +fm25w256 Read and write
STM32L476VGT6 100P的可以直接用stm32u575vg 100P的替换到板子上吗?为啥烧录程序时无法连接?
这个数据已经超过65535了。 我们只需要将库函数中关于UART结构体中的关于收发长度的变量
I will add a supplement here,t if using DMA for transmission, the maximum transmission length of DMA is 64K and cannot be changed, so it can only be transmitted in multiple times. If using interrupt-based transmission, there is a chance to increase the transmission volume, but generally speaking, batch transmission is also a normal operation.
It can be confirmed that the STM32U5 has an LL library, including the LL library for the UART peripheral, but it may not have LL library
project code for your current application. However, I have seen some LL library examples for the UART peripheral in the STM32U5 Cube
library, which you can definitely refer to。for example:
2 Call hal idle USART interrupt did not receive 64k bytes, anyone can provide reference?
Are you saying that you can't receive more than 64Kbytes of data at a time? The current library is designed this way. You either send the data
in batches or reorganize the code yourself.As for the reference implementation code, I can look into how to implement it later. I will inform you
once it is done.According to my inspection and confirmation, the maximum transmission size for all series is currently designed to be limited to 64K.