

ghost110 发布时间:2021-5-12 10:19
感谢管理“Seven”,因为工作原因不能实地参加STM32的深圳会议,在seven管理的热心组织下,通过线上直播让我了解了这一次的技术盛况,从开始的技术讲解到后期的竞赛直播,各个阶段都充分体现了专业性、素养性。不但使我学习了知识,同时也更好的了解了STM32的相关技术和使用场景,对我个人是一个很大的提升,在此对ST公司和seven管理再次表示感谢。$ c+ D0 c0 ]- e6 t0 x
在黑客松的比赛中通过各个参赛队伍的作品,看到了不同的创意,产品技术是固定的,关键看人怎么使用。同样的平台,不同的思考方向,差异化的使用方法,打造出不同的产品方案。十分棒。在观看的过程中有幸获得抽奖奖品“STM32G474”,目前已经收到。谢谢。5 L& O% ~  F3 l- l( |
" X5 L' f# I6 Y  H+ Y: e; g4 W% ^% I. w& g) N4 [
! H" Z9 u, Q, K7 t2 W
# T. e* S  U- ^) F) U3 a" V$ |
, e2 Q: ^" r8 T" ?1 q6 m. ~2 o
/ m' e6 C+ c! a7 N* GThe STM32G474xB/xC/xE devices are based on the high-performance Arm® Cortex®-M4 32-bit RISC core. They operate at a frequency of up to 170 MHz. The Cortex-M4 core features a single-precision floating-point unit (FPU), which supports all the Arm single-precision data-processing instructions and all the data types. It also implements a full set of DSP (digital signal processing) instructions and a memory protection unit (MPU) which enhances the application’s security.3 X% m, i$ v; K1 d+ ]6 t0 T7 O
These devices embed high-speed memories (512 Kbytes of Flash memory, and 128 Kbytes of SRAM), a flexible external memory controller (FSMC) for static memories (for devices with packages of 100 pins and more), a Quad SPI Flash memory interface, and an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses, two AHB buses and a 32-bit multi-AHB bus matrix.) [( F; T7 C2 M7 Y+ @0 u2 I
The devices also embed several protection mechanisms for embedded Flash memory and SRAM: readout protection, write protection, securable memory area and proprietary code readout protection.$ x. E9 b& }' e+ Z
The devices embed peripherals allowing mathematical/arithmetic function acceleration (CORDIC for trigonometric functions and FMAC unit for filter functions).
1 \5 }* K  i/ IThey offer five fast 12-bit ADCs (5 Msps), seven comparators, six operational amplifiers, seven DAC channels (3 external and 4 internal), an internal voltage reference buffer, a low-power RTC, two general-purpose 32-bit timers, three 16-bit PWM timers dedicated to motor control, seven general-purpose 16-bit timers, and one 16-bit low-power timer, and high resolution timer with 184 ps resolution.. h( H+ n3 H) g5 ]
They also feature standard and advanced communication interfaces such as:
* a3 L/ u# l$ P- _( F1 a2 z所有功能( o, \* q- K' ~5 l' y
Core: Arm® 32-bit Cortex®-M4 CPU with FPU, Adaptive real-time accelerator (ART Accelerator) allowing 0-wait-state execution from Flash memory, frequency up to 170 MHz with 213 DMIPS, MPU, DSP instructions7 y! I9 Y% b4 ?$ n2 E" V
Operating conditions:, [& q6 W" t+ k
VDD, VDDA voltage range: 1.71 V to 3.6 V
% `" _( \, Q3 ?- aMathematical hardware accelerators
! o. u7 ~  l5 H6 r1 c1 D: ECORDIC for trigonometric functions acceleration
% |" T0 [  E& u- Z6 h# gFMAC: filter mathematical accelerator3 I0 z9 m) j% G" v; P) q* G
Memories  d( f8 s) z6 g; N- H
512 Kbytes of Flash memory with ECC support, two banks read-while-write, proprietary code readout protection (PCROP), securable memory area, 1 Kbyte OTP# g& F/ c* q! d$ Y! t
96 Kbytes of SRAM, with hardware parity check implemented on the first 32 Kbytes# c5 Q  }. l- w, z# `
Routine booster: 32 Kbytes of SRAM on instruction and data bus, with hardware parity check (CCM SRAM)4 G6 I0 ~( K# ^' d; \5 P8 W9 Q# ?# H
External memory interface for static memories FSMC supporting SRAM, PSRAM, NOR and NAND memories$ D. w2 j! m3 V2 q
Quad-SPI memory interface
( Y: `9 j  d/ V8 w: [Reset and supply management
4 S9 [9 |$ q: q  T8 W1 OPower-on/power-down reset (POR/PDR/BOR)
6 z' s4 d+ V) f4 VProgrammable voltage detector (PVD)
! M# I. I6 ]) a6 ]2 D: wLow-power modes: sleep, stop, standby and shutdown' C9 o. T2 J+ Z% S2 Q8 j9 M3 l
VBAT supply for RTC and backup registers
6 u' h5 T; O0 x! o+ O& cClock management. b4 D$ G+ y5 r: `, F* T" Z' z
4 to 48 MHz crystal oscillator- a& a" C, z/ c( [$ p
32 kHz oscillator with calibration
4 T. H" h* U* Z6 ?  X9 BInternal 16 MHz RC with PLL option (± 1%)" T' r8 `- W( B4 a. o4 f5 k
Internal 32 kHz RC oscillator (± 5%)
, J4 o! }# o* T5 ~) RUp to 107 fast I/Os
9 H: p$ b9 c  _. H% t2 O0 C" dAll mappable on external interrupt vectors) f7 f) O) E9 R( n9 y
Several I/Os with 5 V tolerant capability
& W$ b* D! v& Z  tInterconnect matrix
# l1 g- u; |8 z9 Q' z' g/ B16-channel DMA controller
; r6 y+ [# H! k0 ]/ y% L) |5 x 12-bit ADCs 0.25 µs, up to 42 channels. Resolution up to 16-bit with hardware oversampling, 0 to 3.6 V conversion range- I4 v$ n& N1 r1 Z7 W! \5 q3 R
7 x 12-bit DAC channels5 k2 X3 c% J' y  B2 J* v# T8 j
3 x buffered external channels 1 MSPS
; |' U9 K" ]: u" f" V4 x unbuffered internal channels 15 MSPS# ?) `! T2 k  V. C' B
7 x ultra-fast rail-to-rail analog comparators1 V3 v4 G9 |0 K+ o. ~0 R
6 x operational amplifiers that can be used in PGA mode, all terminals accessible. E0 s; x5 a- q: d" n3 O# I; c1 Y
Internal voltage reference buffer (VREFBUF) supporting three output voltages (2.048 V, 2.5 V, 2.95 V)
( m: T( Y$ w$ R$ m1 z2 W/ `17 timers:
& T$ k: H( r7 e& X. n; }. lHRTIM (Hi-Resolution and complex waveform builder): 6 x16-bit counters, 184 ps resolution, 12 PWM
) ~! f- V  u# d7 @$ Y( G2 x 32-bit timer and 2 x 16-bit timers with up to four IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter and quadrature (incremental) encoder input
- j4 L2 m0 M$ m% q; H3 i7 ?3 x 16-bit 8-channel advanced motor control timers, with up to 8 x PWM channels, dead time generation and emergency stop% d0 t* R0 ~# w8 J; d: k! x
1 x 16-bit timer with 2 x IC/OCs, one OCN/PWM, dead time generation and emergency stop
  o. h% T4 M+ a  d8 }. r2 x 16-bit timers with IC/OC/OCN/PWM, dead time generation and emergency stop9 B. A) X2 N  y
2 x watchdog timers (independent, window)! H7 ~% G8 }1 R! d. T
1 x SysTick timer: 24-bit downcounter
4 p" k6 W% ~7 `4 o  R+ Y8 z1 G2 x 16-bit basic timers1 S- U/ R- j) y
1 x low-power timer
' x& X! O) |* O, f+ jCalendar RTC with alarm, periodic wakeup from stop/standby
5 C# ]5 P1 l" M8 DCommunication interfaces
- L+ j1 P! `8 [3 K7 F3 x FDCAN controller supporting flexible data rate
, Q7 ]2 j; U! W6 U4 x I2C Fast mode plus (1 Mbit/s) with 20 mA current sink, SMBus/PMBus, wakeup from stop  _1 `( w, c5 K' ^1 Y
5 x USART/UARTs (ISO 7816 interface, LIN, IrDA, modem control)& l* H. ?) |" T; c2 d- j5 `
1 x LPUART/ t/ x! ~+ O5 c2 m4 j
4 x SPIs, 4 to 16 programmable bit frames, 2 x with multiplexed half duplex I2S interface
5 y: h& g$ ^. y# K1 x SAI (serial audio interface)
. p! q( o/ D' IUSB 2.0 full-speed interface with LPM and BCD support  I0 I7 \2 ?5 E) N
IRTIM (infrared interface)# v& u) P3 V' i, [
USB Type-C™ /USB power delivery controller (UCPD)
% v# k3 \$ W3 m- z, K: n2 U' WTrue random number generator (RNG)8 j+ @7 v9 P+ U7 S$ K# I, H& `
CRC calculation unit, 96-bit unique ID
  C2 |. \6 T( w1 D: Y# mDevelopment support: serial wire debug (SWD), JTAG, Embedded Trace Macrocell™+ B1 ~% ~# Q' k+ x
STM32G474 (4).jpg
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STM32G474 (3).jpg
STM32G474 (2).jpg
STM32G474 (1).jpg
1 收藏 评论0 发布时间:2021-5-12 10:19


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